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ASHA Multicultural Constituency Groups

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Multicultural constituency groups (MCCGs) are allied/related professional organizations that are independent of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Each MCCG focuses on an identified population and addresses the client/patient/professional/student perspective of that population. Through both individual and collective efforts, the MCCGs recruit professionals; promote cultural competence and improvement in the quality of speech, language, and hearing services; promote research and knowledge related to identification, diagnosis, and treatment; support students; advocate at the local, state, and national levels for consumers; encourage leadership and engagement in professional and related issues, provide professional support and networking opportunities; and disseminate information and resources. ASHA provides information on these organizations here as a resource for members and/or the public. ASHA provides no financial support to these organizations.

Asian Pacific Islander Speech-Language-Hearing Caucus

The Asian Pacific Islander Speech-Language-Hearing Caucus is a group comprised of speech-language and hearing professionals who have an interest in promoting speech, language, and hearing health in Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander communities. Some of the challenges facing these communities are extreme shortages of personnel with the linguistic and the cultural knowledge to serve a diverse population, an urgent need for more assessment and intervention resources that are culturally and linguistically appropriate, a need for more research on issues affecting these communities, and a critical need for increased recruitment and retention of Asian/Pacific Islander students and professionals.

The goals of the Asian Pacific Islander Speech-Language-Hearing Caucus are (1) to increase the number of Asian/Pacific Islander, bilingual/multilingual, culturally and linguistically diverse speech-language pathologists and audiologists who have the competence to provide quality services; (2) to increase the cultural and linguistic appropriateness of education, medical, and health programs and support services for individuals with communication disabilities in API communities and their families; (3) to advance the awareness, sensitivity, and competence of API issues among speech and hearing professionals and other educational, clinical, and medical personnel; and (4) to continue research efforts in providing data relating to clinical management of API populations with communicative disabilities.

Please visit our website.

Join our Facebook group.

Disability Caucus

The Disability Caucus is a group dedicated to advocacy, support, and mentorship for professionals and students in the fields of speech-language pathology and audiology. Our goals include protecting our civil rights, advancing accessibility, and removing barriers to participation. Through our efforts, we can change what it means to live and work with mental/physical disabilities. 

Vision: The Disability Caucus is dedicated to the inclusion, advocacy, and service to the professionals and students with disabilities in the fields of speech-language pathology and audiology. 

Mission: To achieve our goals, we will engage in activities including raising awareness of our needs, providing consultation for accessibility, awarding scholarships, enabling mentorship, and providing community for affected individuals and our allies. 

Membership: Membership is restricted to active students, active/retired professionals (i.e. academics, clinicians, and researchers) in the fields of speech-language pathology and audiology; speech, language, and hearing scientists; audiology and speech-language pathology support personnel; international affiliates; and allies.

For additional information, contact the Caucus at

Haitian Caucus

The Haitian Caucus (HC) is dedicated to the provision of quality speech, language, and hearing services to all Haitians with identified and/or suspected communication disorders, communication differences, and/or related disorders. The Haitian Caucus is also a resource for those interested in providing services in Haiti.

In furtherance of these purposes, the Haitian Caucus shall:

  1. Promote and increase the number of Haitian speech, language and hearing professionals.
  2. Promote and increase the number of speech-language pathologists and audiologists that use culturally competent and responsive evidenced-based services to Haitian individuals with communication disorders, communication differences, and/or related disorders across the life span.
  3. Address the communication interests and concerns of professionals, students, and related professionals who serve Haitian individuals with identified and/or suspected communication disorders, communication differences, and/or related disorders across the lifespan.
  4. Promote research that contributes to the body of knowledge on the identification, diagnosis, and treatment of Haitian individuals with identified and/or suspected communication disorders, communication differences, and/or related disorders.
  5. Disseminate information to the public on culturally responsive and evidenced-based practice specific to Haitian individuals with identified and/or suspected communication disorders, communication differences, and/or related disorders.
  6. Be an advocate for Haitian individuals with identified and/or suspected communication disorders, communication differences, and/or related disorders.
  7. To serve as a community resource for Haitian families and the community.

For additional information, please contact the HC via

Hispanic Caucus

The Hispanic Caucus serves as a forum and voice for meeting the immediate needs of Hispanic professionals, students, and consumers. The group originated in March of 1992, when Luis F. Riquelme and Alexandra Heinsen-Combs sent letters to as many Hispanic and non-Hispanic clinicians they could identify, who were working with the Latino community nationwide. Initial response was enthusiastic, and by November 1992 the Hispanic caucus held its first membership forum at the San Antonio, Texas Convention. Diversity is at the forefront of the Hispanic caucus as they represent members of several ethnic groups originating from Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Central and South America, and Mexico. They are a heterogeneous group with some similar traits, characteristics, and traditions. They are united by their culture and their common desire to meet the needs of the Hispanic population with communication disorders.

Apply now to join the Hispanic Caucus.


L'GASP-LGBTQ Caucus includes lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning professionals and their friends and allies. Members met informally as "GASP" at the 1982 ASHA Convention in Toronto. At the Boston Convention in 1988 members decided to explore the idea of forming a professional organization. In 1991 the first formal meeting was held at the ASHA Convention in Atlanta and GASP was changed to L'GASP to reflect the inclusion of lesbian members. ASHA recognized L'GASP as an Allied Related Professional Organization (ARPO) in spring, 1992. L'GASP became L'GASP–LGBT Caucus in 2005 when members voted to retain the historically traditional acronym "L'GASP" but use the more recognized moniker "LGBT". In 2010, the letter "Q" was added to the official title to recognize new and potential members who identify as "queer" or "questioning".

The Caucus provides a forum for networking along with education and research on matters relevant to the professions and professional practice. The group's objectives are:

  1. To actively encourage and support all lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender audiologists, speech-language pathologists, students of the professions and/or related professionals in their endeavors to work and study professionally, openly, and without fear of discrimination.
  2. To increase sensitivity to and support of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender issues within audiology, speech-language pathology, and related professions, including work environments and relationships.
  3. To promote the professional role of audiologists, speech-language pathologists and related professionals in working with people with positive HIV status and patients with AIDS.
  4. To provide a professional, political, and/or social platform for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender issues within the professions and within training programs.
  5. To work with other organizations and agencies to achieve the above objectives.

The official business meeting is held each year at the ASHA Conventions, along with special programs and social events. Information and resources are provided on topics such as communication disorders and HIV/AIDS, LGBTQ who stutter, the transsexual voice and communication, graduate school experiences, diversity and sexual orientation, and the policies of accredited programs as they relate to sexual orientation.

Apply now to join the L'GASP-LGBTQ Caucus.

Middle East and North Africa Caucus 

Mission Statement

The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) caucus is a culturally and linguistically responsive and connected professional community that nurtures positive professional identity to support all clinicians’ and students' culturally responsive practice. We strive to develop a safe space and be a resource for persons of Middle Eastern and North African origin—including researchers, current and future professionals, and students interested in learning about and providing services to this population. We seek to inspire all clinicians to develop and increase their awareness and knowledge of Middle Eastern and North African cultures and languages to facilitate advocacy and allyship, which actively promote the provision of evidence-based speech, language, and hearing services to marginalized persons of Middle Eastern and North African origin. MENA is dedicated to working with other constituencies in an effort to promote equity and social justice in the professional communities of speech, language, and hearing sciences as well as in the larger society. 


  1. Promote and increase awareness about the cultures and languages of the Middle East and North Africa.
  2. Promote and increase the number of Middle Eastern and North African speech, language, and hearing professionals.
  3. Promote and increase the number of audiologists and speech-language pathologists using culturally competent and responsive evidenced-based services to Middle Eastern and North African individuals with communication disorders, communication differences, and/or related disorders.
  4. Address the communication interests and concerns of professionals, students, and related professionals who serve Middle Eastern and North African individuals with identified and/or suspected communication disorders, communication differences, and/or related disorders.
  5. Promote research that contributes to the body of knowledge on the identification, diagnosis, and treatment of Middle Eastern and North African individuals with identified and/or suspected communication disorders, communication differences, and/or related disorders.
  6. Be an advocate for marginalized Middle Eastern and North African individuals with identified and/or suspected communication disorders, communication differences, and/or related disorders.
  7. Serve as a community resource for Middle Eastern and North African families and communities.

Contact information:

National Black Association for Speech-Language and Hearing (NBASLH)

NBASLH was founded on the campus of Howard University in Washington, DC in 1978 by a small group of African-American speech-language pathologists and audiologists. Their purpose is to address the specific needs, concerns, and interests of African-American students studying in the professions, African-American professionals working in the professions, and African-American consumers with communication disorders and differences. NBASLH pursues research and study problems associated with the linguistic and learning styles of African Americans that are specific to their linguistic and cultural connection. The Association fosters mentoring relationships for undergraduate and graduate students in the discipline; provides information and resources for clients and parents; funds scholarships for students; and is an ASHA Approved CE Provider and offers professional development for members. Their peer-reviewed research journal, Journal of the National Black Association for Speech-Language and Hearing, is published twice yearly and RESOUND, their newsletter, comes out quarterly. The Association's annual convention begins the third Thursday in April. The national headquarters is located in Princeton Junction, New Jersey, and can be contacted at 609-799-4900 or

Native American Caucus

The Native American Caucus was formed in 1986. Speech-language pathologists and audiologists who had a common interest in the unique attributes of the Native American culture met at the ASHA Convention for the first time and since then have gathered yearly in November at the Annual Convention. Membership has included both Native American professionals as well as those professionals who work with predominately Native American populations. Native American NSSLHA members have also been part of the group.

The group has served as a forum for discussion of the issues that influence the provision of quality services to Native American populations including recruitment of Native American students to the field of speech-language pathology and audiology. Enhancement of service to Native Americans and encouragement of Native American leadership in the professions of speech-language pathology and audiology have been primary topics for the group. Other areas of interest have been supporting research efforts, serving as a resource for information, and promoting public awareness and understanding of the uniqueness of Native American culture.

Contact for more information. 

South Asian Caucus

The South Asian Caucus of ASHA (SAC-ASHA) is one of the many Multicultural Constituency Groups (MCCGs) of the American Speech Language and Hearing Association. The SAC-ASHA (formerly Asian Indian Caucus, AIC) was established as a forum for interaction and collaboration among clinicians, researchers, and students of the South Asian origin in the field of communication sciences and disorders, and to advocate for quality speech-language-hearing services to diverse individuals of South Asian origin residing in the USA. The term South Asians refers to individuals who identify or trace their origin to the following countries (in alphabetical order): Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.

The SAC-ASHA has the following objectives:

  • To provide a forum for interaction and collaboration among clinicians, researchers, and students of South Asian origin in the field of communication sciences and disorders
  • To provide a forum for interaction and collaboration among clinicians, researchers, and students who are interested in serving clients of South Asian origin in the field of communication sciences and disorders
  • To promote initiatives to increase the body of knowledge pertaining to South Asian individuals as it relates to the field of communication sciences and disorders, and to compile and disseminate this body of knowledge
  • To enhance cultural competence among ASHA-certified professionals and increase cultural sensitivity regarding South Asians in the USA
  • To serve as a networking and mentoring resource for the general ASHA membership serving individuals of South Asian origin with communication disorders
  • To work closely with ASHA, its Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA),  Multicultural Issues Board (MIB) and other caucuses /multicultural constituency groups (MCCGs) of ASHA in initiatives pertaining to the above objectives

Learn more about us at The South Asian Caucus of ASHA.

Follow us on Facebook.

Advancing the professions of speech-language pathology and audiology through education, advocacy, leadership, and collaboration to promote quality services for individuals and communities.

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